Tuesday Night Sessions

North Leeds Fell Runners are the only local club that regularly trains off-road all year round and we like to get up to the local hills as regularly as we can.

We have a programme of runs and the latest schedule can be found here (downloadable pdf).

**Please note, the training schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather or other circumstances. Updates are provided on the weekly email, WhatsApp group and Facebook page, please check these in advance of sessions.**

New runners are always welcome to join us. Please help us by providing your telephone number and emergency contact details in advance by completing this form. We needs this information so that run leaders can contact your Next of Kin and/or Emergency Contact in the event of an emergency on one of our runs. (Once you have completed the form, you can also be added to our WhatsApp group where any last-minute changes or updates to our training plans are posted).

We run for about an hour and normally have at least two running groups out. Depending on the route and terrain, the faster group will cover around 6-8miles (9-14km) and the steadier group around around 5-7miles (8-12km), and we always re-group at regular intervals, ensuring no-one is left too far behind!

We welcome all runners to join us on our hill runs, although we do recommend that you have a little off-road running experience, and if possible some fell-running experience, as we do train on technical terrain which can be muddy and rocky in places. In the winter months (Sept – Apr) it will be dark and you will need a headtorch. If you don’t have one, the club has some spares, but please get in touch first if you do need to borrow one. You will also need to bring some safety kit – please see our training page for more details.

There is no obligation to join us as a member to train with us (although we’d be delighted if you decide eventually to do so – and you can do so here). Please consider our social membership if you do want to run with us regularly (the princely annual sum is £5).

Our usual meeting points for runs on the hills are as follows:

We also sometimes meet at other locations to do some training on the local trails and in parks:

This list is not exhaustive, so please check the schedule (linked at the top of the page) for other possible locations.


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