
There is no obligation to join our club if you just wish to just train with us, or share lifts to races. But if you like the idea of running in our black and blue vest you have a couple of choices

BenefitsFirst Claim Second Claim
Run, train and join us at our social eventsYY
Run at races in our vest and as a NLFRYY
Run in a team for NLFR non-EA affiliated racesYY
Run for NLFR in the British Fell Relays and certain other affiliated relay eventsYN
Count for NLFR as one of the runners in a race that also offers team prizesYN
English Athletics AffiliationYN*

First claim, second claim, what’s that all about?

If you only join one running club, it’s simple, they are your first claim club.

But, if you join more than one club (affiliated with English Athletics), it get’s a bit more complicated. In short, you have to decide which is your main club, and this club is known as your first claim club. By default, this will be the club you joined first. You may join multiple second claim clubs.

This only really becomes relevant in relation to membership fees and team entry criteria, as noted in the table above. If you are joining NLFR as a first claim member, your membership fee includes English Athletics Affiliation. But as a second claim member you don;t have to pay for this again, hence the reduced fee.

If you are joining as a second claim member, please note there are restrictions. Fell running differs from other branches of the sport in that to represent your club in certain EA affiliated team events you must be a first claim member of that club. There some nuances around different running disciplines and which your first claim club are registered for, but at present NLFR are registered for all disciplines so they would typically be your first claim club in any EA event.

Please contact our membership secretary Phil at or via our contact form for further details.

To join please complete the following form. If it is not displaying correctly, use this link.

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