Dominic Nurse
Club Secretary:
I have been running for the best part of 20 years, although less so recently due to the increasingly difficult battle with age and injury. My favourite races are in the high fells of the Lakes such as the Langdale Horseshoe, Borrowdale and Coledale, as well as Ben Nevis and Carraunthoohil in County Kerry. As Club Secretary, my role is to provide admin support to the chairperson. I take minutes at the committee meetings, for example, and generally try to ensure the club runs smoothly. You can contact me on
Helen Freeman
Social secretary
Hi, I’m Helen, club social secretary. I co-ordinate our social activities. These include the summer camping trip, the Christmas party, our summer and winter Solstice runs, social weekends around races, and any ad hoc social activities! If you have an idea for a social activity within the club and would like some support in running it then get in touch with me on
Mike Ayres
Club Chair
I’m Mike, one of the founding members and currently Chair of NLFR. I set up two local fell races (Rombald’s Romp and Kettlewell Anniversary) which I and my NLFR colleagues organise each year to encourage runners into fell running. As Chair I see my role as one of encouragement, handing out well-deserved prizes and trying to get as many out into the fells as often as possible.
Caroline Clarke
Hi I’m Caroline Clarke, the club’s Welfare Officer. My role and what it covers are found here.
I hope you have a positive experience of running with the club but if you have any concerns and you’d like to talk about them in confidence then let me know. You can contact me on
Dan Starkey
Hello, I’m Dan, 2nd Welfare Officer. I help the lead Welfare Officer (Caroline) to ensure that we look after our club members and make sure the club is a friendly, safe space where everyone feels welcome. I have been running with the club since 2017. If you have any welfare concerns or just want to talk something through feel free to get in touch on
Martin Shaw
I have been with the club since the start and I am the acting Treasurer. I co-ordinate all of the financial aspects that come from running a club like NLFR. If you have any questions on payments to or from the club please get in touch via
Phil Livermore
Membership secretary
I’m Phil, the membership secretary for NLFR. I register and welcome all new members, and am your first point of contact for anything membership related. Contact me on
Liz Casey
Kit secretary
I’m Liz, I have been a member of NLFR since the beginning. I am currently responsible for club kit: vests, hoodies, buffs and other bespoke items to order. My main objective is to get the best kit deals for our club and members. Need some new kit? Get in touch at
Emma Lane
Women’s captain
I’ve been with NLFR since 2016 and I’m women’s captain. You will usually find me (alongside Jonny) asking for people to join relays, and co-ordinating teams for these events.
Jonny Coney
Men’s captain
Hello, I’m the men’s captain. I’ve run for NLFR for a few years since getting more into fell running and racing. I work with Emma to gently persuade folk to run for us in relay events and to do lots of racing in general!
Dave Middlemas
Comms secretary
Hi I’m Dave and you can expect an email in your inbox from me every Monday with information about upcoming club runs, race results and anything else NLFR-related. If you’d like to include anything in the weekly update please email
Rose George
Publicity secretary
I’m a writer by profession and a fell runner for the love of it. You may recognise me at races by my colourful socks (often mud-splattered). I’ve been with NLFR for a few years, and am responsible for updating this website as well as posting on social media about club activities and achievements. Our news section is always thirsty for stories so please do send race reports or general running-related essays to