by DaveM | Jun 23, 2024 | Lakeland, Members' posts, Race Report, Results
22/6/24, 20.8km, 1518m (AL) Preparation for this race began in 2022. I’d pre-entered that year but had to pull out with COVID. I’d obviously done a bit of research: when I dug my OS map out last week it still had the checkpoints dimly marked in pencil. My vague plan...
by Guest Contributor | May 27, 2024 | Lakeland, Members' posts, Race Report
Inspired by nostalgic memories of the NLFR Bob Graham weekend (3rd day, June 19th 2022) when I first encountered some of this route under clear skies and balmy temperatures, I’d tucked this fell race away in a memory bank for a future me with fresher legs. Then of...